What is a CAGE code?

CAGE stands for “Commercial and Government Entity”. It is a unique five-character alphanumeric identifier that is required for a company to do business with the government. International use is performed through the NATO Codification System, or NCS, and those are NCAGE codes.

In this page you will find detailed information about the cage code “5V1R1” of “ZSQUAD LLC

Address 225 FRANKLIN ST
Zip code 02110-2804
State MA
CAGE code


Status Code A
Type Code F

Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Codes

A Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is a five-digit identifier assigned to a business by the Department of Defense’s Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) which allows the business to sell goods and services to the federal government. More than 1.9 million businesses are represented by CAGE codes internationally. The CAGE code identifies a business, or its subsidiary, at a specific location. CAGE codes are assigned in the System for Award Management (SAM), created in 2012. The CAGE code is used in government systems awarding contracts, purchasing, or for security purposes.

Status Code

The one-position Status Code is the company's standing:

  • A = Active
  • C = Active CAGE, but not Catalog Code
  • E = Excluded or Suspended
  • F = Unknown or Obsolete
  • H = Discontinued
  • J = Item meets industry specifications
  • K = Item meets government specifications
  • M = CAGE code used with Federal/NATO catalog number
  • N = Cancelled, No replacement. Company or CAGE code is void
  • P = Cancelled, no replacement
  • R = Cancelled, Replaced by successor through acquisition or merger
  • T = Joint venture in 50/50 partnership
  • U = Vendor representing companies by their CAGE codes
  • W = Contractor separate from company name and location
  • Y = Operating company sells only through vendors

Type Code

The one position Type Code describes the CAGE Code location as U.S. or a NATO manufacturer or non-manufacturer:

  • A = U.S. or Canadian Manufacturer
  • C = Civilian Standard Supplier
  • E = Foreign Manufacturer with a NATO Code
  • F = Vendor other than the manufacturer
  • G = Intangible Service Provider
  • H = Government or Military Department or Unit
  • I = NATO allocated special code
  • M = Military Standards and Standards Organizations

Dun and Bradstreet Number

A 9-digit data universal numbering system (DUNS) number created by Dun and Bradstreet is required to obtain a CAGE code. Dun and Bradstreet maintains profiles of 250 million businesses internationally. A business profile consists of the business name, phone number, address, type of service, and credit information about the nonprofit or for-profit entity. A Dun and Bradstreet Number is required to apply for federal government grants.

Registrer or update a CAGE Code

You can obtain or update a CAGE code for your business by going to the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency) website at https://cage.dla.mil/request and filling out the information needed.

Federal government contracts are awarded through the SAM website, a combination of the General Services Administration (GSA), Central Contractor Registration (CCR/FedReg), the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). Registration to sell products or services to the federal government usually takes 20 to 40 hours, and the government has no obligation to notify you if your information is incomplete or incorrect. Two critical elements of the CAGE Code are: your physical business address and the government entity you want to solicit.

Simplified Acquisition Program

U.S. Federal Contractor Registration created their Simplified Acquisition Program to aid small businesses marketing goods and services to federal procurement officers. The Simplified Acquisition Program creates a government website for your small business with references, past performance, testimonials, pictures, and your SAM registration. Government purchasers view your website, your brand, and unlimited updates. You'll receive a business plan of prime vendors and buyers in your market sector, including a list of procurement officers and a Small Business Association resume. You'll receive monthly solicitations, bids, and emails for a year. You can transact business with the Federal Government from your computer or Android cell phone.

CAGE Codes in Bids and Solicitations

Contractors must apply CAGE Codes when soliciting the Federal government or bidding on government contracts. CAGE codes may be used with the supplier's part number as a National Stock Number to help government purchasers find supplies, parts, or services. A search for a manufacturer's name returns CAGE codes, company names, addresses, country, status, and type codes, which may be entered in bids or solicitations.

CAGE code lookup

You can search our business catalog by CAGE number or by business name, or you can browse by country, and find businesses based on their location.

Status and Type Codes

The one-position status and type codes provide additional information about a contractor doing business with the federal government.